Why Should We Have a Product Explainer Video?

product explainer video

Why should we have a product explainer video for OnStyle? Well, everyone likes videos, a picture tells a thousand words, we were planning it for long, and so on. We could enumerate reasons for creating a video for OnStyle, but we think that the most important is to be able to show how powerful it is in helping document formatting and validation and to showcase its best sides in a short time. It is always a great feeling to see excitement in the eyes of those watching a demo or listening to an explanation of the features. This video is meant to make a very good first impression, give a basic understanding of the tool, and create interest in getting more information about OnStyle.

We hope that you like it, and we managed to show the most important things about OnStyle so that the viewers understand the advantages OnStyle can give them.

We Trust Our Partners


And how was the video produced? We had long planned to make a product explainer video. Once we could agree on the style (animated product explainer video) and the goal of the video, we started to look for a solution provider to help us create the video.

We believe in longtime partnerships and creating win-win collaboration with our partners and clients. We trust our partners and trust their choices and value their advice and recommendations.

One of our partners has a nice product explainer video, so we asked them about the producers, and so we found Viduals, a Dutch video storytelling company from Utrecht.

We Must See Utrecht

We asked for a quote from Viduals, of course, and received a very well defined, detailed description of the process and the prices. We watched their previous work and learned that they are familiar with many kinds of animation and video styles. Watching one of their videos about Utrecht, we learned that there are 732 wharf cellars in the city. After watching the video, we had the feeling that we must see Utrecht, right now. This is the exact effect we would like to get with the OnStyle video as well. No, I don’t mean that after watching our video you should feel an urge to visit Utrecht, but that you would like to get more information about OnStyle.

The deadline for the creating the video was a critical part of our decision, because we wanted the video to be ready by the time we exhibit at the TOPRA Annual Symposium, where we showcase OnStyle among our other products and services.

At first Viduals prepared a plan with a deadline too close to the beginning of the Symposium, so we asked them if they could finish the production earlier. It was a real dealbreaker question for us.

Fortunately, they could send us a new plan with an acceptable deadline, but emphasized that the deadline could be kept only if we also kept a very tight schedule for our review and feedback.

Having Fun


So, we started the work. It was very exciting and fun, to see how an idea evolved and materialized in a short video.

We learned a lot of new things, even about the psychology of voices and how different voices influence the audience. It was definitely fun making the video.

We hope that it will also be fun to watch it and that it will help you understand what OnStyle is about.



Microsoft 365

Photo by Donald Tong:

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:

Photo by Dio Hasbi Saniskoro:

Photo by Alexander Grey:
