Assigning an OnStyle RuleSet to the document will enable the OnStyle functions and RuleSet-dependent checks on the active document and will apply the formatting rules defined in the chosen RuleSet.

The assigned RuleSet can be changed by simply assigning another RuleSet from the drop down list. With the Recall RuleSet button, which appears on the Editor tab after a RuleSet has been assigned, the RuleSet can be completely removed from the document. The Remove RuleSet function can be activated with the ALT+CTRL+R keystroke combination.

Content with styles that are available in the RuleSet will be reformatted automatically when you assign a new RuleSet to the document.

Please note that using the Undo button will not remove any assigned RuleSet from your document.

The options in the drop down for the available RuleSets depend on your OnStyle group membership.

You can assign a different, available RuleSet to the document anytime.