Introducing On‑X

An automated tool that helps with the correction of the most common problems in your Word documents prior to PDF conversion.

We all know the pain of regulatory document submission: specific formats, styles and consistency under time pressure – and these are just the tip of the iceberg. What if we tell you that we have a solution that helps with the correction of the most common problems in your documents before the PDF conversion?

Don't fear the PDF image

Don’t fear the PDF

The vast majority of PDF conversion failures are caused by inconsistencies and various formatting issues in the source Word documents. Take the hassle out of your conversion process with On-X.

Save time and effort

On-X helps automate compliance with company and external regulations, allowing you to easily meet submission deadlines. Instead of editing documents for hours, you can focus on content creation, making processes significantly more efficient.

On-X features

On-X is the offline version of the OnStyle Add-on with extended functionality:

Bulk pre-processing on multiple Word documents to perform multiple thorough and accurate document quality checks. 

Analyzing capabilities related to documents by providing a highly detailed and complete report on all findings and changes.

Integration options into Document Management workflows for allowing automated correction of particular issues. 

Smooth cooperation with OnStyle Add-in to review On-X inspection results and apply corrections in an interactive, controlled manner on the opened  
pre-processed document.

Take a look at On-X’s bulk processing

Reduce processing to three steps: 

1. Drop Word documents to folder processed by On-X.

2. Inspect and evaluate results.

3. Adjust discrepancies via OnStyle if they were not corrected automatically by On-X. 

OnX in action


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