
Some styles are only for inheritance purposes in the config (e.g.Normal). These are not advised to be used.

Use this OnStyle check to find out if any of these styles were used in the document. All occurrences will be listed in the ‘Check Result’ window grouped by the style names.

Fix: Assign sign to all

Right click the style name and select the ‘Assign sign to all’ function to replace the non-standard style with any standard one on all occurrences.

Fix: Assign style

Right click any result in the list on the ‘Check result’ pane and select ‘Assign style’ to replace the non-standard style with any standard one.

OnStyle enables this check once a RuleSet is assigned to the document.

You can also navigate to each occurrence by clicking the result in the list and change them to any available standard style, using the styles section on OnStyle – Editor tab.